Valve Installations and Replacements:
Line Stopping and Hot Tapping are necessary and economical solutions for the growing demand of adding valves, replacing valves, and changing a pressurized system without a shutdown.
With International Flow Technologies, Inc. offering a wide range of line stopping and hot tapping services, making changes to your system will be a welcome alternative for your engineering departments.
With today's great demand for expansion and changes, large diameter feeder lines are not easily shut down and drained to make modifications. The unnecessary waste of large volumes of water, sewage or chemicals is of great concern to everyone. In addition, the possibility of a fire starting while fire lines are empty is a risk not worth taking.
IFT is proud to be a leader in building innovative equipment and solving the unending problems involving revision and addition to large pipeline systems.
Our manufacturing division is continually updating; therefore expanding our capabilities. IFT is the proven leader in Live Valve Installations, Replacements and pipeline modifications, working worldwide to solve your pipeline management needs.